Looking for staff?

Looking for staff for your restaurant, hotel, B&B or (hospitality) event? Xtra Via has the right people for you!  Tell us exactly what you are looking for - friendly hosts and hostesses, capable waiters, experienced chefs, competent parking attendants, administrative jack-of-all-trades, etc., - and that's exactly what we will provide. Our selection and training team knows all the tricks of the trade in the hospitality and event sector.

Collaborons !

Your requirements by Xtra Via

We prepare our staff thoroughly, so that they know how to shine in their role, whether at an event or in your business. We make a point of only providing you with candidate profiles that fully correspond to your needs.

More information? Call us!

We'll be happy to talk to you about our services and our versatile teams.

+32 2 453 15 52

Our candidates are:





Trust us

Our experience in the hospitality and logistics sector means we understand your needs and challenges. This helps us to find suitable staff for you. And the better we get to know you, the better that goes. Which is why we strive for long-term relationships – between you and us, and between you and our staff. Going for it, together. Time after time.

Find the staff you need and simplify your HR

Let us take over part of your HR and save you valuable time:

  Staff recruitment

 Training new employees

 Staff expense claims

 Management of employment contracts

 Monthly payroll

Xtra Via effectue vos missions grâce à un staff qualifié dans les fonctions suivantes :

Bartender or hostess


Administrative assistant

Logistics or facility staff

Hosts, hostesses


Kitchen staff

Parking attendant

And many more ...

Contact us for more info!

If you would like to contact us directly, please call +32 2 453 15 52, or send an e-mail to info@xtravia.be.

Séparez les adresses email par une virgule.

They trust us!